(Photo from the DPS Quarterly, Fall 2006) Kodiak is a much safer place thanks to the efforts of Super Trooper Cooper. Super Trooper Cooper received his badge in June of 2006. It is his mission to rid Kodiak of tinted windows and expired tags. Full of youthful exuberance and lacking experience, Super Trooper Cooper is proving his worth not by helping the citizens of Kodiak, but showing his superiors that he is doing something by writing a multitude of citations.
Friday, January 26th, with rain turning the roads slick, many reports of accidents, and vehicles that were in need of assistance, Super Trooper Cooper was busy . . . writing citations for tinted windows. Today Super Trooper Cooper came into the post office where there were 6 or 7 people in line. Rather than wait in line, Super Trooper Cooper went out to the parking lot to check vehicles for infractions, no doubt looking for expired tags, or more tinted windows. After writing some citations, Super Trooper Cooper came back when the line was shorted. It leads the perspective to wonder if Super Trooper Cooper was checking his mail on trooper time, or if he was writing tickets on personal time.
The Perspective advises that you check your tags, remove the tinting from your windows, wear your seat belt, make sure you have your license and registration and proof of insurance, and for goodness sake, don’t even think about swerving to avoid a pothole or inland lake. Super Trooper Cooper is out there and he is looking for you.
Good thing you've been barred from driving already. Just make sure your sun glasses aren't too dark.
Make sure you mark the cross walk on your GPS so when the snow covers the cross walk, or when high tide rises enough to cover it you won't get yanked over for Jay Walking. I would hate to see you writting the perspective behind bars with BIG BUBBA smacking that booty.
Gettin your panties in a bind for the troopers now? Don't be afraid of them, just paint your nails, pick out some pretty earrings and bat your eyes next time he passes by.
PS..Cinderella's called, they don't do exchanges on womens undees....
Troopers are not above criticism, but this is just weak.
Your story is vacuous at best, and you're trying to fluff it with pointless attempts at belittling Trooper Cooper.
If your just a cop hater then get to it; say it loud and clear so we know where you stand.
Amen to that...is this guy as wierd as he seems? Remind me not to go here again.....
I see we have some cop haters in Kodiak, particularly State Trooper haters. It appears that you're not able to control the troopers as well as your Kodiak cops. Its a shame that you're belitting Trooper Cooper because he is doing his job. I belive that his job is to enforce all state statutes and not just the ones that you want enforced. If you don't like these particular statutes or regulations why don't you write your local legislator and see about having them changed. As I see it if you weren't breaking the law then you wouldn't have any problem with Trooper Cooper.
I have SEVERAL things I would like to address to you.
The fact that you work at the Post Office and you dare write about your customers as if they are fodder?
Do you realize you are in a United States Government position? To put down ANYONE online in such a manner - a patron of the US Postal Service because they come to where you work - is probably borderline, if not completely against the rules. To openly name them and to be so facetiously slanderous and easily identifiable is disgusting and rude, not to mention, possibly something a person could take you to Civil Court for.
I work with Cooper and this story was pointed out to me.
I'm ashamed of you.
Cooper is a hard working individual, with a great personality, full of competence and he is a good Trooper, a good co-worker and a decent human being.
For you to belittle him for doing his job - regardless of how trivial you feel it is, makes you appear to be a very small-minded, very uneducated person - and very petty.
While every police agency is NOT perfect, The Alaska State Troopers stand for professionalism - and THE LAW.
If you do not like the way the US and Alaska State laws are written then perhaps you should volunteer your time to change them. To petition them - to create new ones.
You speak as though it should have BEEN alright for any Trooper or Police Officer to ignore someone breaking the law. As if you WANT your Law Enforcement individuals to be corrupt.
Again, I reiterate multiple times over: Trooper Cooper is a decent "cop". He is a decent person. He risks his life DAILY for the Welfare of the General Public - ALL of the Alaska State Troopers do (and other Law Enforcement Agencies, including KPD) - just so you can have a road free of inadequate drivers, violent criminals plus a million other things... that keep YOU and the General Public Safe.
You haven't seen - obviously - the things Law Enforcement Officers have to deal with.
You don't see the small child who has been sexually abused that they have to talk to. You haven't seen the women who have been battered that they have to pick up. You haven't seen the violent people they have to fight in order to keep your house, family and friends safe. You haven't seen the drugs they confiscate and the arrests they make to help keep our children drug free. You haven't seen the time they volunteer, on their own, to keep their reports up, to keep making sure the General Public is safe - to make sure the LAWS (which the GENERAL PUBLIC often FORGETS ABOUT)are followed.
You don't see any of it at all. But yet... you sit here... daring to say something about one of the Alaska State Troopers doing his job. In such a demeaning way - OPENLY, ONLINE, with no discretion, no concept of the reality... well it makes me sad.
It makes me realize that people like you are the reason cops give up. Because no matter how hard they work. No matter what they do, they are in a thankless job. And people like you - singularly picking on one of the better ones... are the reason crime and violence are so rampant. Because you THINK it's ok to drive with an expired registration or tinted windows - or go against ANY law on the lawbooks.
There were only two things in your OPEN INTERNET BLOG Post about Trooper Cooper that were 100% dead on:
***He does have a Youthful Exuberance.
(Thank Goodness, it's nice to have someone around that can still smile after all the things they see, hear and have to do!)
"The Perspective advises that you check your tags, remove the tinting from your windows, wear your seat belt, make sure you have your license and registration and proof of insurance, and for goodness sake, don’t even think about swerving to avoid a pothole or inland lake. Super Trooper Cooper is out there and he is looking for you."
Yep... Don't forget to follow the LAW.
And IF you ARE breaking the law, you can BET the big bucks, he is out there "looking" for you.
Oh - and the term SUPER Trooper Cooper...
You know what?
He is kind of super.
Signed Respectfully,
One of his co-workers.
about the only thing I got from this drivel is your public service announcement “ The Perspective advises that you check your tags, remove the tinting from your windows, wear your seat belt, make sure you have your license and registration and proof of insurance" You might want to add don’t drive after taking meth, because you might hit innocent kids.
As a youth growing up on kodiak i have been one of Super Trooper Coopers victims. Between the ages of 16 and 18 i recieved 13 tickets. Each and EVERY one written by Super Trooper Cooper. What are the chances that not a single other cop saw me as a problem but Super Trooper Cooper gave me 13 tickets! He might be a great guy, but I think he targets people.
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