Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Governess Palin Vetos Same Sex

Why are we concerned about who is having sex with whom.
Isn't this a privacy issue, or is it?  

Governess Sarah Palin used her power of veto on HB 4001.
Former Gov. Frank Murkowski had called his last special
session for the legislature to pass a bill to grant state employees
benefits to same sex partners as called for by the State Supreme
Court. The legislature voted to try to block the courts action
with HB 4001. Governess Palin tried to straddle the issue
saying that she opposes the court action, but that she was bound
by her oath of office.

Governess Palin, take a stand. Straddle politics is not the way
to govern, it is a cop out. The Perspective wonders why there
is all this fuss about who does what to whom. Is this issue
about homophobes in Alaska and not alienating the voters,
or is it a veiled way to reduce state spending, by denying benefits.

In a possibly related event, state retirees who chose to go south
will be denied cost of living benefits.  So there.


1 comment:

Ishmael said...

Just as long as she doesn't veto self-sex.