Saturday, January 6, 2007

Island Time

 Some places are described as "laid back", Jamaica
comes to mind, other places have a relaxed attitude,
perhaps "Cabo San Lucas", here in Kodiak we call it
"Island Time".  Things happen at thier own pace,
so don't sweat it, mon. Eryting b irea.

We are so relaxed here that we even make recliners
for our dumpsters. While in other communities the
dumpsters are hard at work, here we make a nice
Barca-lounger out of snow so the dumpster can sit
back and relax.

1 comment:

Ishmael said...

I just assumed the snow was piled up behind the Dumpster to keep it standing. This is the Dumpster near the post office where we've had to throw our junk mail ever since Postmaster Lieutenant Bill "Seymour" Kirch took away the lobby garbage cans, right?

Oh, here I go bashing the post office again. I suspect the union's going to reach out from the grave to bitch slap me again.