Sunday, December 31, 2006

Snow White and the Seven Deer

                                                            (Photo by Scott Wight)

It is deer season here on Kodiak Island, but only off of the road system.  
This morning my friend saw 7 sitka black tail deer on the road system.
Pretty smart those deer.  Anyway the last day of the year is another
beautiful winter day with light snow and temperatures in the teens.

Happy New Year everyone.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Year's Resolutions

At this time of year, we evaluate our lives, find fault with ourselves, and resolve to change in the coming year.  Many will make resolutions calling for change, only to boast by the second that they have already broken their New Year's Resolutions.  

There are ways to help you keep your resolutions going for a bit longer.
The Contrarian: I resolve to imbibe alcohol, smoke cigars, and gain 20 pounds.
The Alaskan: I resolve to kill more fish, drive my ORV (Off-Road Vehicle), see more wildlife, take a dump in the woods, and enjoy life more than the next guy.
The Kodiak City Councilman: I resolve to stir up public debate with idiotic ideas.

Another way is to make your resolutions simple.  My own resolution which will be renewed this year is simply: "I resolve to be happy".

Remember the words of Buddha Chinaski: "and remember, the second best thing in the world is a good night's sleep, and the best: a gentle death. meanwhile, pay your gas bill, if you can, and stay out of arguments with the wife.

Good luck


Welcome to the Kodiak Perspective.  Comments on anything that may catch the fancy of a resident of Kodiak Alaska, an island in the Gulf of Alaska.  Topics may range from local events to global events.  The opinions may not be conventional, but are intended to open your mind to different ways of perceiving what the media wants you to hear.

The Kodiak Perspective had a short life as an email newsletter, but the amount of content involved for a four page layout is too much for this reporter.  Ishmael of Kodiak Konfidential suggested that a blog is a more timely media for my comments.