Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Many people do not take the time to review our electric bills, so the Perspective was surprised to see an item in blue ink that stated “Your Round Up Contribution is: $xx.xx”.

The Perspective vaguely remembers hearing something about this program, but did not feel inclined to sign up. The Perspective called KEA to find out more. The Perspective was informed that every member was automatically enrolled and that it was up to the individual member to opt out. The program started July 1, 2006, so for six months they have been getting some loose change from the Perspective.

According to the KEA web site, “if half of KEA’s meters are included in the program, we estimate that the annual contribution to the Operation Round Up Scholarship Fund will be about $18,000.”

The Perspective is as philanthropic as the next guy, but ask me nicely, don’t just “grab that cash with both hands and make a stash”.

Money collected from the Round Up Program go into KEA’s scholarship fund, so if you want to contribute, you need do nothing. But if you are offended by the deceptive nature of KEA in this matter, perhaps you could contribute money to some other worthy cause. 

1 comment:

Ishmael said...

Damn! A day late and a dollar short again... Did you see KEA's board of directors just met at 2 this very afternoon? Such a convenient time for disgruntled members to show up and voice some concern.