Wednesday, January 24, 2007


The nominations for the 79th Academy Awards were announced this week giving the Perspective some ideas to add to the Netflix queue. We have a movie theater in Kodiak, the Orpheum which shows two features each week, which usually run for only one week, so it is not surprising that the Perspective has missed seeing most of the nominated movies. The perspective has seen only 3. How many have you seen?

The list of nominees can be found at the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences web site.

What is in the Perspective’s queue? Next up is “Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom: Wild Cats” from 1963 (TV), “Hope and Glory” (a child’s view of the London blitz), and “When We were Kings” (documentary about the “Rumble in the Jungle”). 

Oh, which 3 nominees has the perspective seen? "Cars" (best animated feature, original song), "The Devil Wears Prada" (best actress, costume design), and I am loathe to admit "Marie Antoinette" (costume design). 

1 comment:

Zoya, Patrick, Nora and Stuart said...

Nick-thanks for the link to the Academy awards winners....I am really out of it. I barely recognized any of the movies! Yowswers. I guess I've been more homeward bound this past year with a baby. Time to get reconnected with the "real" world!! :)