The Governess come to Kodiak as part of a series of events held around the state as part of the inaugural celebration. It brought out all of the usual suspects, local cultural groups who perform at all the important events, local politicians seeking to curry favor, or just getting a photo op, the press, and the locals who come to any event with the promise of free food. The Perspective took advantage of the photo op, just incase he runs for public office.
Sarah looked stiff standing straight and tall, heels together, arms at her side. The Perspective just wanted her to loosen up, so as the cameraman was ready to snap, I said, "Say Testicles". You can see the results in the toothy smile. Did you get your lapdance?
I think that's the "Oh dear God, what have I gotten myself into, I better just smile and nod until I can sneak away and cry" look.
I did not. Her husband was in town with her. He's an old family friend. But hearing that you said "Say Testicle!" to her makes my disappointment all better.
By the way, love the Lost Mennonite look you're sporting in this picture and the one in Monday's paper.
I think I see a shot of the Governors skin crawling....can you also notice the grimace of the young gal behind them? She's thinking "thank God that's not me standing there"! You seem alittle "obsessed" with this lady? It's a shame crude comments are all you can come up with...your disgusting...
Life about the teepee
Ryan and Stuey hard at Colorku
Brewster and the Stove
Stuey and Ryan untangle a rope found on the beach and later. ...
Strung between trees rope is he...
Holy ghosts of blog posts past
You know that feeling you get when you stumble across your ninth grade year
book buried within the parents' decades-untouched attic hoard?
At first, you ar...
On the Road Again.
Yup, it has been a while. I can only offer the usual lame excuses,but to
many irons in the fire and not enough hours in the day pretty much sum it
up. So...
Neighbors, and other interesting animals.....
Ever wondered what in the world people are thinking.....? or if they are
thinking? or if they are people??
Maybe I've been watching too much scifi, but it...
Just say "testosterone"
Did you really say "testicles" instead of "cheese" when that picture was taken?
Sarah looked stiff standing straight and tall, heels together, arms at her side. The Perspective just wanted her to loosen up, so as the cameraman was ready to snap, I said, "Say Testicles". You can see the results in the toothy smile. Did you get your lapdance?
I think that's the "Oh dear God, what have I gotten myself into, I better just smile and nod until I can sneak away and cry" look.
I did not. Her husband was in town with her. He's an old family friend. But hearing that you said "Say Testicle!" to her makes my disappointment all better.
By the way, love the Lost Mennonite look you're sporting in this picture and the one in Monday's paper.
Is the gub'ness wearing red leather? That's way kinky.
looks like your governess could kick a** on our governator
I think I see a shot of the Governors skin crawling....can you also notice the grimace of the young gal behind them? She's thinking "thank God that's not me standing there"! You seem alittle "obsessed" with this lady? It's a shame crude comments are all you can come up with...your disgusting...
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