One thing that is dear to people who live in Alaska is fresh produce. Prices are so unbelievable that I won’t even mention them, and the produce is so far past its prime that markets where the Perspective used to live would toss it out as spoilage. Much of it is tasteless, but at least it keeps the scurvy away. So for Christmas, the Perspective sent himself the gift of fruit, Harry and David Fruit-of-the-Month-Club. The first shipment arrived yesterday, Royal Riviera Pears. According to the web site, this shipment of pears sells for $28 plus shipping and handling. The box contained 8 pears, one dressed in gold foil and one wrapped in decorative Harry and David tissue, no explanation for these 2 anomalies that the Perspective could find in the enclosed literature. 28 dollars divided by 8 pears is $3.50 per pear! (plus shipping & handling) Oh well, the money is spent.
The Perspective has had little experience with pears, when the Perspective was a child they came in a can packed in syrup. Don’t try to eat a pear like an apple! The skin is tough and not appetizing. It is suggested by H&D to halve the pear, core it, and eat it with a spoon. The perspective octo-sliced the pear and removed the skin with a bird’s beak paring knife. So, how does a $3.50 Royal Riviera Pear taste? The perspective says: Worth Every Penny. Mmm delicious, I wonder what the one in the gold foil will taste like.
They do certainly look delicious.
I agree, they do look delicious. I got to thinking about them the Sunday and went to Cost Savers and picked up a baggie of anjou pears there.... And promptly got pear ooze all over my hands. Then I sneezed and reflexively put my hand to my face, thereby spreading the pear ooze into my nostrils and mouth. Now I have bird flu. There, are you happy?
By the way, the two wrapped pears? The one in tissue: bird flu. The one in gold foil: ebola.
I was thinking about joining their fruit of the month club too! I had a sub-optimal grapefruit this morning and lamented the loss of my beloved Whole Foods- which was a produce haven across the street from me in my East coast city days.
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