Tuesday, February 13, 2007


How can this humble wordsmith compete with the great poets on Valentine’s day? He can not, so here is a poem by Charles Bukowski.

my god

you know that little girl
who used to play
on the lawn across the street?

look what happened

new breasts
round ass
long legs
long hair

eyes of
blue fire.

we can no longer
think of her
as before.

now she is
15 years full of


Anonymous said...

This is disgusting and i have gone this long without telling exactly what a freak i think you are, but you should be locked up

Anonymous said...

I'm with Anonymous! Charles Bukowski, eh? Sounds foreign and we don't understand poetry that doesn't rhyme. We should ban his books! Who's with me???? Anonymous, how about you?

And Good Lord (praise his name) knows nobody should be looking at teenage girls until they're 18 years and one second old. Anything before then is wrong. ... But not illegal, since age of the consent is 16 in Alaska. And you can marry 14 year olds with parental consent. Look it up, it's true! We're a state of pervs, like this guy and this "poetry."

Anonymous said...

we would only be pervs in other states, here it is fine if people like this guy likes little girls, we don't lead the country in rapes of young girls for nothing but they just don't understand us. So stop dogging on him, he is just normal for here.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the fact that you posted a Bukowski poem, as I am a fan of the man myself. However, in a more conservative town such as Kodiak, perhaps Bukowski wasn't the best choice. Especially considering how much law enforcement folks really love you here. I really am giving you props, but I don't know if the controversial verses of Bukowski are understood by the general public in this place...

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to see how Kodiak is more conservative than I thought... after living up in the Valley, where they think Don Young is a bleeding heart liberal, I thought this place was more enlightened. Sad how narrow minds can be.

And to think, all this grief that's come down on this guy's head is just because he wondered out loud about a ticket-happy cop. Hey, it was the end of the month, and the trooper had a quota to reach. We can still wonder, can't we?

Anonymous said...

There's no way Alaska "leads the nation in rape of young girls." Jesus! Not even per capita. And most of that is done by drunk boyfriends of single moms. If those women would just shut up, quit being sluts and stay with the father of their children, everything would be just fine. Put that on a Valentines Day Card.

Anonymous said...

give the guy a break if he likes little girls thats his right. 100 years ago he could marry them and it was normal.

Anonymous said...

Time to check out Cleveland, Ohio's sex offender registry...they might have an absconder.

my gawd

you know that USPS lummox
who used to play
in Cleveland, Oh

look what happened

no brain
bloated ass
shaved legs
painted nails

eyes out front of
hollow head

we can no longer
think of her
as before

now she is
desperate for attention

Anonymous said...

Dude you just outed yourself as a freaking perv.

Disgusting at your age to be writing or paraphrasing a poem about a 15 year old with breasts and ass for valentines day.

Go get some help now before the Troopers put you on a sexual offender registery. You aren't theire yet are you?

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

Time to check out Cleveland, Ohio's sex offender registry...they might have an absconder. "

I love you, whoever you are. *GRIN* That just made my freaking day!

Anonymous said...

I agree with all the other Anonymouses! We need to ban Bukowski poems! "Bukowski" sounds too much like "Murkowski" for me. All those with names ending in 'kowski' are obviously Pollocks who, as a race, are known pervs.

We need good White Christian blogs to uplift our community, not this kind of trash. I'll be keeing my six daughters AND two sons out of the post office, once my latest is born so I can go in myself.

Anonymous said...

Canada's age of consent is 14years of age, except for anal sex which is 18years old.It makes me wonder why some are attacking this guy for publishing a poem that he didn't even write. In reality the perspective could LEGALLY TRAVEL to CANADA and have CONSENTUAL SEX with as many 14YEAR OLD GIRLS that he could handle. Then he could write an article about his sexual encounters and possibly give it a title "OLD ENOUGH TO BLEED, OLD ENOUGH TO BREED"
So don't be pissed off at this guy for too long since there are plenty of convicted child molestors and other sexual predators out there. Of course the Sex Offender registry was downsized within the last decade which resulted in removal of over half of the sex offenders in Kodiak. Of course the sex offender registry was downsized to protect the criminals rights, not your children. I encouraged you to view the sex offender registry for Kodiak; you might lighten up on the perspective, or at minimum spread the hate.
The reason I am remaining anonymous is that some of the readers of this Blog Site can not handle reality.

Anonymous said...

he is going to Brazil because not only is the age of consent 14 there, the little girls appreciate middle aged men better there then they do here.

Anonymous said...

"bloated ass"

Anonymous dude, are you looking at his ass? You're icky.

Anonymous said...

leave the poor guy alone as long as he stays within the law (16 here or 14 in Brazil or Canada) he is no different then a lot of people here sex offenders or not. And looking at his picture, if he can get a girl 14 more power to him.

Anonymous said...

If it wasn't obviously before it should be now, The Perspective has masochistic tendencies.

The more you hate him the more he likes it; and sadly, the more he's likely to continue his trite attention getting schemes.

Ingnoring him would be the best thing we could do. But what fun would there be in that?

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

leave the poor guy alone as long as he stays within the law (16 here or 14 in Brazil or Canada) he is no different then a lot of people here sex offenders or not. And looking at his picture, if he can get a girl 14 more power to him.

February 15, 2007 7:42 AM "

I do hope you said that in a joking manner.


Read the laws - that's so very sick.

And anyone who condones having sex with an adult (Especially one the age of this Blog owner) and a child really needs to join NAMBLA (which this blog owner is probably a proud card-carrying member) or seek sincere therapy.

I'm still in love with this person:

"Time to check out Cleveland, Ohio's sex offender registry...they might have an absconder. "

Anonymous said...

a man who looks like santa claus talking about sexy 15 year old girls? Openly and Publicly?

Anonymous said...

No lady, I was not kidding, as long as Mr. Barshay stays within the law he is free to have sex with whomever he pleases that is at least 14 or older. He also printed the poem relating to his like of 15 year old girls, which is contrary to NAMBLA, who have a fondness for young boys. Like I said before, leave this man alone and if you don’t like his choice of young girls instead of women then do not allow your daughter to have sex with him or allow her to go to the post office unattended.

Anonymous said...

I don't think he's a member of a chapter of NAMBLA, because you have to be a Republican to join, and he's clearly a Libertarian.

Anonymous said...

So this subject is what goes on behind that wall at the Post Office? The more you "celebrate" this trash, the more this postal worker is going to enjoy it. Log off, and don't look back. This site was mentioned to me, sadly, I had to check it out. I see a lot of comments regarding signing off as "anonymous" but think about it....this guy probably not only knows your address, but a lot more personal information about you. how much do you think those people know about you by looking at your mail everyday. I certainly don't want the "extra" attention from this perv. I'll do my best to avoid him as "anonymously" as I can in line next time I'm at the Post Office. It's borderline pedophile at best....

Canuck said...

It seems to me that Barshay did not write this poem nor does the poem suggest the author wants to have sex with this 15 year old. Any guy who says he doesn't notice a 15, 16, 17 year old when they dress up like hookers is a liar. Noticing that parents today let their 15 year olds dress like tramps is not a crime.