Saturday, February 10, 2007


A bill was introduced in the state Senate (SB78) about the installation of window tinting on automobiles to make it illegal to install tinting that exceeds the state guidelines for light transference as an amendment to Alaska Statute 28.35.

The perspective does not understand the need for this amendment as it is already illegal to have tinting on vehicle windows beyond a certain level.

The Perspective spoke with Debbie Renfoir at the Ford dealership after hearing reports that customers had been inquiring about the factory installed tinting.

During the month of January, the Ford dealership received many inquiries by persons who had been stopped or cited for illegal window tinting. Mrs Renfoir told the Perspective that several of these customers were upset and indicated that they were going to file complaints with the Alaska State Troopers. She also said that customer inquiries had tapered off in the last week and a half.

The Perspective asked Mrs Renfoir about the purpose of window tinting. She said that all new car windows are tinted to some degree, even the windshield and front windows for safety while driving in daylight. Asked about the effects on night time driving, she said that the amount of tint in the windshield does not impair night driving vision. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Renfoir needs to educate herself more appropriately.