Thursday, February 1, 2007


Warm weather has brought fog to Kodiak and other parts of Alaska. The Governess left Kodiak bound for Hooper Bay, but ended up in Anchorage and spent the day, trying for Juneau on Tuesday, but ended up in Ketchican.

"We stayed in Ketchikan last night, thinking that we were going to try early this morning to get back to Juneau. But I had this meeting with Exxon this morning, and I'm like, 'Hmm, Exxon? Or go to kindergarten classes in Ketchikan? What is more fun and productive? It's going to kindergarten class.'

Fisherman and communities affected by the Exxon Valdez oil spill might have preferred that the Governess meet with the oil company which has yet to settle the lawsuit from the spill, now in it’s 18th year.

The youngsters have a keen understanding of politics and posed many questions to Governess Palin. One student asked about Palin's clothing. "Most governors in the past, they've all worn a suit and a tie," Palin said. "But every governor in the past has been a man. So, for the first time, you're going to see a governor wearing a dress. They can wear whatever they want, though." Another child remarked: "The governor wears necklaces." Palin responded: "This governor does. And bracelets, yes." A little girl summed up: "The governor's wearing makeup and glasses and put up their hair and they have earrings on and they wear skirts and boots." "Good observation," Palin said, adding that there are nine women governors in the United States of America, "and so other women governors probably do the same thing."

Kodiak legislators, meanwhile, made it to Juneau on Monday to conduct state business, including the resolution to make the first Saturday in March “Susan Butcher Day” (HB37), recorking wine served with a meal (HB51), and broadcasting promoting charitable gaming (HB116).


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should go back to Ohio if all you do is criticize the politics, the law enforcement, and the weather.....believe it when I type that "We wouldn't be looking back" either....

Ishmael said...
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Ishmael said...

That comment is the silliest I've ever read. There's politics, law enforcement and weather in Ohio, too. Duh.

Besides, my reading of his writing is he's a fan of the weather. And if you can't criticize politics, then what can you?

Take your Milk of Magnesia and go to bed early, "anonymous." You're obviously way too cranky to still be up at 9:38 p.m.

Anonymous said...

You seem to have raised a few hackles Nick.Keep up the good work.No one bothered to mention your comments about the exxon settlement now did they?