On the flight between Seattle and Anchorage there were two adventurers headed out to Cold Bay to go fly fishing for Steel head Trout. For reading material they had a book called “100 Easy Checkmates” by Larry Evans. As it happened they were seated in the same row (each side of the aisle) as The Kodiak Perspective who watched with amazement as the man studied the problems of “White to move and Checkmate” and then flipped to the rear section to find the answers. Glancing at the pages, these were very obvious mates, taking no more than 5 seconds to find the answer. The whole book would take anyone who actually plays chess less than 10 minutes to finish. Yet, the publisher is asking $9.95 for this “work” published in 2003.
The question is why did they even bother to put in an answer section, it is either mate or it is not. The Kodiak Perspective hopes that they are better fishermen than chess players.
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8 years ago
Did you offer them a game? Er, I mean a slaughter?
They're probably the type of folk who "learn" by rote memorization and by being told what the answer is.
Put them in a real game (or a real-life situation where they have to think for themselves) and they'd get slaughtered.
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