Sunday, October 5, 2008


After the post, for which their was an apology for the language, The Kodiak Perspective received a comment from a reader, and a post from the KoKon. Bridge does have its own language so other players can appreciate what happened at the table. Much like a martian reading about baseball, those who don't play will not get it.

"It was an 0-2 count with one aboard in the top of the seventh. There was a shift on in the outfield for the pull hitter as the hurler went into his windup. A slider on the inside corner was driven hard up the middle advancing the runner. With two aboard and two outs, Hank stode to the plate with heavy lumber in his hand . . . "Huh", says the martian.

A pastime or game that develops a language so that it can be written about in many newspapers, books and magazines, must have quite an attraction. If you give the game a try, you may soon end up confusing or boring your friends with your own tales from the table.


Ishmael said...


Fireweed said...

Ouch, I stand rebuffed....but seriously, if I didn't know you were talking about baseball I'd still be trying to figure out what Hank was going to do next with the "heavy lumber" in his hand?