Friday, October 17, 2008


The Kodiak Perspective received his copy of the “State of Alaska 2008 Official Election Pamphlet” yesterday. Appearing on the Alaska ballot as choices for president are:
Chuck Baldwin, Alaskan Independence,
Bob Barr / Wayne Allyn Root, Libertarian,
John McCain / Sarah Palin, Republican,
Ralph Nader / Matt Gonzalez, Independent,
Barack Obama / Joe Biden, Democrat.

Three out of the five slates beg the question, who are these guys? The Kodiak Perspective doesn’t recall hearing any mention of these candidates with the possible exception of Ralph Nader, and that was only a blurb that his name would be on the ballot.

If you take the time to read the pamphlet, you may be surprised. Make your decision carefully, then get out and vote.

1 comment:

kodiakgriff said...

Watch Bob Barr. He is a former republican with a pretty good record. His entry into the fray made a small media flash several months back. Consider him a truly maverick republican or a conservative libertarian. Either way, if the next four years go the way I think they will, he could very well be a contender in 2012.