Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Recent changes at the Anchorage Daily News reported by Ish over at Kodiak Konfidential bode ill for print versions of newspapers. Newspapers rely on circulation numbers (demand) to justify advertising rates. News of a paper voluntarily reducing circulation by limiting distribution means that advertising space will be less valuable.

Printed newspapers are struggling due to timely reporting via the internet (blogging). A blog with 1000 daily hits such as the KoKon can generate support in the form of ads and siphon off some of the dollars that used to go to print editions. Blogs may not be as encompassing as a newspaper with a staff of writers, but there are blogs for every conceivable interest, news, sports, travel, fashion, outdoors, regional happenings, games, comics, politics, editorials. Today’s readers have many options available.

Newspapers still have some advantages, portability, “one stop” source, reputation. and the tactile feeling of the paper, but have been in decline for some time. Newspapers may soon disappear, no longer to fill up our landfills. The Kodiak Perspective expects newspapers to disappear within his lifetime. 

1 comment:

Ishmael said...

And what, oh what will we wrap fish in and line the bottoms of our bird cages with?