Monday, November 10, 2008


Since the election The Kodiak Perspective has heard many disturbing comments that has him thinking about racism in Kodiak and America. Actually racism is just a small portion of a larger phenomena of xenophobia, fear of the other.

The Kodiak Perspective believes that everyone is a racist, now before you go getting defensive, answer this question:
You walk into a public place, say a coffee house, and order your favorite beverage, when you turn to find a place to sit there are two seats available, one at a table full of people who have similar ethnic background to yourself, and one at a table full of people who are from a different culture, you do not know any of the people in the room, which table do you choose to join?

The Kodiak Perspective believes that if you answered honestly, you would choose the more familiar, the people who are similar to yourself. This is a very small, but real, form of racism. Does it make you a bad person? NO it does not. Does it mean that you can not or do not get along with people of other cultures? NO, it does not.

Racism exists in all of us to some extent, it is only bad when it escalates.

Some prejudices are naturally occurring, and some are learned behavior. Many are perpetuated by stereotypes. Many are because we have limited experience with other cultures. The more we mingle, the less fear there is of the other. So the next time you are faced with that choice, will you sit with the “others”, and if you do will you be accepted? Or will it be uncomfortable for all. It may be. It is your choice.

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