Monday, September 15, 2008


Don’t dare to try to have any fun.

The Alaskan experience conjures images of pristine lands, pure waters, abundant wildlife, adventuresome souls. Hiking, camping, hunting, fishing, and just being out of doors at every possible moment.

This will not be tolerated on Kodiak Island, where you will have to ask permission to go hiking on popular trails, thanks to Lesnoi, Inc, or Woody Island Natives. There has been much debate since the Kodiak Daily Mirror reported that Lesnoi would start issuing land use permits for non-Lesnoi people to enjoy the land.

The Kodiak Perspective did not know which parcels of lands are claimed be Lesnoi, but was able to find maps at the website of the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resourses, Division of Mining, Land, and Water.

Lesnoi holds most of the Kodiak road system, including many popular hiking trails. To hike to Termination Point, one has to pass through land held by Lesnoi, and the Ouzinkie Native Corp.

In the other direction, if you wanted to hike up to Heitman Lake for a afternoon of swimming, you would need a permit from Lesnoi.  

What this means for the Kodiak Audubon Society sponsored hikes remains to be seen, will each hiker need a permit? “The Guide to Birding and Hiking on Kodiak Island” may need to be amended to advise of the new requirements. remains to be seen, will each hiker need a permit?

Enforcement of this new policy may prove problematic, as the area is large and entry points are spread out along the road system. Even though the trails are popular, use is sporadic.

Maybe the “white” people will do as they have always done to the indigenous peoples, and do as they please. 


The Yellow Porcupine said...

Dear KP:
I am a "white" person who has tried repeatedly to obtain a Lesnoi land use permit from Carole Pagano. After a few email exchanges in which she sent me an application that I filled out and returned, I have not heard from her.
I'm trying to do as Lesnoi "pleases" with no success. So, what do I do now?

Unknown said...

Do it anyways.