A large an enthusiastic crowd turned up on Valentine’s Day to hear a talk on Ocean Acidification at the new Refuge building.
A brief recap of the presentation:
Mad props to Al Gore ‘cause now people come to my talks.
Here is some data that shows carbon is going up in the ocean but it only goes back fifty years, so we don’t have a base line, but we project that the numbers will go crazy.
Here’s another quote from Al.
OK, worst case scenario is that there will be no shellfish, and the ocean will revert to a primordial time of simple life forms that can exist in high carbon environments, as we suspect happened at the dawn of time.
Did I mention that Al won an Academy Award.
In summary, we’ve only been collecting data for a short time, we don’t know much and have no base, but thanks to Al Gore we have an audience, so thanks for driving here tonight to listen to this presentation. Now get in your cars and drive home happy that you are concerned citizens of the planet.
Oh, and rent Al’s movie.
Life about the teepee
Ryan and Stuey hard at Colorku
Brewster and the Stove
Stuey and Ryan untangle a rope found on the beach and later. ...
Strung between trees rope is he...
8 years ago
All of us "Tree huggers" love Al Gore... and feel he has done so much for our cause. Thanks for posting this, even though the meeting itself was trivial.
There are a lot of good points made recently that prove we should all take the steps necessary to lessen our "carbon footprint".
However, do not confuse the worlds current climatic changes. granted some are induced by our presence here, but there is also the planets natural tendency to follow the natural cycle of events. We must do what we can to decrease our impact on this process, yet if we seek to alter the natural evolution of this ecosystem, we are still tampering with a dynamic we do not understand.
As for Al; well he might have good intentions, but his mentor is a guy who fostered the idea that tree spiking is OK, and armed insurrection is acceptable so long as it saves the ecosystem. Think about that.
Lastly, I remember reading how the mighty Al Gore sold the timber on his families land to help fund his run for president. To me that is a mixed message. He is not our new environmental messiah, he is simply a man seeking a new market.
There are plenty of good environmentalists out there. They do the research and seek viable solutions. Those are the folks we should be reading about.
Al Gore has found his new niche, a figure head that often spouts ideas that are not scientifically based. Do not let him turn his new-found environmentalism into his new pogrom for a run at the crown.
Read, be informed, and then act.
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