Monday, February 11, 2008


Even as we have just had a glorious weekend of snowfall and still bundle ourselves against winter’s chill, Kodiak gardeners are thinking ahead to the planting season. Spring catalogs abound with gardening supplies and seeds.

The Kodiak Perspective wonders that since such a fuss is made of invasive species of plants making inroads here on the island, why gardeners are allowed to order seeds and plants from other areas.

The variety and beauty of the native plants never ceases to thrill the avid hiker. Each time out, different plants are coming into bloom, in a beautiful array of colors and varieties. There are early spring plants, middle spring plants, late spring plants, summer blooms, until the fireweed signals the approach of fall. With so many wonderful varieties of native plants the Kodiak gardener could make quite a display in their yards.

Gardeners, please help to fight invasive plants by planting a Kodiak natural garden. It will surely be a delight to the eyes and keep our island safe from intruders.

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