Tuesday, September 25, 2007


In the previous post, The Kodiak Perspective was recounting answers about word processors for Mac. His Mac guru sent this note explaining his response: “Even if you own a Porsche, you still have to drive on the right-hand side of the road.

The Perspective believes this is flawed because YES we must obey the laws, but a word processor is a basic accessory with possible after market alternatives. The Kodiak Perspective offers another version keeping the theme intact: “It is like owning a Porsche, then getting Earl Sheib to repaint it another color.

Monday, September 24, 2007


For those of you who don’t live in Alaska, the PFD is a factitious payout to those of us who live in the state, so please stay where you are at, it’s not really true. It’s all a big lie to make you jealous. Don’t believe it.

The Perspective has decided to spend some of this year’s dividend on a notebook computer. Heading the advice of a friend, The Perspective is thinking about a Mac Book. Besides the advise, there is much bad press about Vista.

When I asked another friend about word processors for Mac, CK1 said he uses Microsoft Word for Mac. AAARRRGGGHHH! So then The Perspective asked the friend who encouraged the Mac move, who also said he uses Microsoft Word for Mac! Double AAARRRGGGHHH!!

What is the point of going to a Mac if you are going to run a Microsoft product? Isn’t this what The Perspective wants to avoid? Why must we suffer fools.

Tucows lists several choices, but The Perspective has no firsthand knowledge or friends recommendations. His first thought is to try Mellel, and see how that works out.

If you are a Mac afficionado, please comment on what a good choice would be (any Microsoft Word for Mac suggestions will be purged!!!).

While you are at it, The Perspective would also be interested in Database program recommendations. Maybe something in an .sql language. Thank you.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Anyone who has spent any time riding a bicycle has had encounters with cars and drivers who just don’t get it. From the blast of a horn or a shout from an open window to “get off the road” to something more dangerous like passing too closely or entering your right of way.

This afternoon on his way to the grocery, The Kodiak Perspective was run off the road. The driver passed then slowed quickly and made a right hand turn into a parking lot. The Perspective jammed the brakes fish-tailing the rear tire and tried going right to avoid a direct hit. The impact did some minor damage to the bicycle, but fortunately, The Perspective landed out of the roadway.

The driver made some interesting comments:
“You were riding in the road.” and “I saw you, but I didn’t know you were going that fast.”

Bicycles are street legal vehicles and have a right of way on city streets. Most drivers know this and give a wide berth. Some drivers just don’t know the rules of the road.

Alaska Statute 13 AAC 02.385 that applies regulations to bicycles:
(a) Every person operating a bicycle upon a roadway has all the rights and is subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of any other vehicle as set out in this chapter, in addition to special regulations in secs. 385 - 420 of this chapter, except as to those provisions of this chapter which by their nature have no application.

More information from the Alaska Department of Transportation:
The FHWA publication "Selecting Roadway Design: Treatments to Accommodate Bicycles," January 1994, - Advanced Bicyclists.

These are experienced riders who can operate under most traffic conditions. They comprise the majority of the current users of collector and arterial streets and are best served by the following:
direct access to destinations usually via the existing street and highway system; the opportunity to operate at maximum speed with minimum delays; and sufficient operating space on the roadway or shoulder to reduce the need for either the bicyclist or the motor vehicle operator to change position when passing.

The Perspective wishes to thank all of you who drive who share the road with bicycles, motorcycles, and even pedestrians. Thank you for driving safely.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


For the past couple of months The Kodiak Perspective has been seeing a girl. A wonderful feeling, full of promise and excitement. To tell the truth, it has been a while since The Perspective has been steady with a girl. The process of dating is one where you try to make connections and hope that you have found someone for the long term.

Things started to move too quickly when she started talking about long term commitment. The Perspective tries to use humor to diffuse situations that are uncomfortable, but lacking that vital social filter, he may have gone too far.

The girlfriend e-mailed web pages of wedding gowns.
The Perspective shot back, “Well, it is almost time for Halloween.”

Looks like The Perspective is single again.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


The Kodiak Island Borough Election Pamphlet arrived in today’s mail. The Kodiak Perspective is disappointed that there are no candidates from the villages.

Scott Arndt is running for three posts: School Board, Fire Protection Area #1 Board, and Service Area #1 Board.. A quick check of Borough Delinquent Tax Rolls shows Mr Arndt in arrears for three years, owing $2,617.09.

Also running for School Board is Peggy Rauwolf, who lists her spouse as John. The Delinquent Tax Rolls list a John, and John F. Rauwolf as being in arrears. The Perspective is unable to verify that either is the husband listed, but Rauwolf is not a common name here in Kodiak, so it is suspected that she may be owing (assuming that a families finances are co-mingled).

“I don’t pay my taxes, but vote for me anyway”
Yeah right! If you are not responsible for your own affairs, why should you be trusted with a public position?

If you are seeking information about the Borough, like what exactly is a “Service Area”, don’t use the site listed in the pamphlet on the last page, it is wrong, The Borough has a new web address.

The Kodiak Perspective encourages everyone eligible to familiarize yourself with the candidates and the issues, and to vote on October 2.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


A very long time ago, before cell phones, ipods, and wireless internet, when there were still walkmen, cordless phones, and 26kbaud modems (hard drives were just coming out) The Kodiak Perspective attended college. While there, he signed up for REI a co-op for outdoor gear, he was active in a backpacking group at the school and would often spend breaks not in Florida getting drunk and stupid with naked coeds, but rather going to hiking trails in National Parks. Good choice?

The Perspective never purchased any goods from the co-op as it was still too pricey for his college years budgets, and after leaving school, changing addresses a few times, he lost touch.

Visiting Anchorage Alaska, The Perspective discovered that REI has a large store near Title Wave Books. He went in to browse, but still thought that the prices were high, compared to other outlets like Sierra Trading.

Earlier this year, in preparation for a trip, The Kodiak Perspective revisited the store, looking for some fast drying swim wear. Approaching the counter, he was asked if he was a member. Well, he said that he had signed up in college way back in 19 buh-buh-buh-buh, and after checking the database, his name was still on file! This is 20+ years and never having made a single purchase!

Now he is back on the mailing list. Amazing.

Friday, September 7, 2007


The state of California, which features a bear in their seal, may have bears that poop in the woods, but hikers on Mt Whitney may no longer do so. The outhouse atop the mountain has been closed. At an elevation of 14,494 ft, it was the highest outhouse in the continental US.

So what is a hiker to do if he feels the need? The Forest Service is issuing Wagbags to hikers when they apply for a permit to hike the trail. The Wagbag (Waste Alleviation and Gelling) is described on the company website as: "Our non-toxic Pooh Powder waste treatment treats up to 32 ounces of liquid and solid waste allowing for multiple use. It turns liquid waste to a solid for hygenic and spillproof transport. The Pooh Powder waste treatment controls odors and contains a decay catalyst that breaks down solid waste."

The Forest Service used to clean out the outhouse using helicopters to remove 250 lb bags of waste. Brian Spitak of the Forest Service states, "It’s one thing to take a risk to fly up there to pick up a sick or injured person, to do it to fly out a bag of poop is another."

Or is it just part of budgets cuts to the Forest Service?

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


The Kodiak Perspective has recently been seeing a woman socially. She is younger than the Perspective, but not considerably so according to birth certificates, however, it seems that from points of reference, we are further than the chronological age suggests.

When the Perspective sings a song, she doesn’t know it, or if she does it is by the wrong artist. “Brown Eyed Girl” by Jimmy Buffet?? After the Perspective finished tossing his cookies, he tried to introduce her to Van Morrison.

Her favorite cartoon is “Kim-Possible”, . . . who?

If you follow the sage advice found on the paper place mats at Chinese restaurants, you should avoid those six years older or younger. These paper place mats have been handed down since the time of Confucius.

And yet, we seem to get along very well. The Perspective will have to take his chances. In the meantime, it feels good to interact with another carbon based life form with curvy parts and who smells good.