Monday, September 24, 2007


For those of you who don’t live in Alaska, the PFD is a factitious payout to those of us who live in the state, so please stay where you are at, it’s not really true. It’s all a big lie to make you jealous. Don’t believe it.

The Perspective has decided to spend some of this year’s dividend on a notebook computer. Heading the advice of a friend, The Perspective is thinking about a Mac Book. Besides the advise, there is much bad press about Vista.

When I asked another friend about word processors for Mac, CK1 said he uses Microsoft Word for Mac. AAARRRGGGHHH! So then The Perspective asked the friend who encouraged the Mac move, who also said he uses Microsoft Word for Mac! Double AAARRRGGGHHH!!

What is the point of going to a Mac if you are going to run a Microsoft product? Isn’t this what The Perspective wants to avoid? Why must we suffer fools.

Tucows lists several choices, but The Perspective has no firsthand knowledge or friends recommendations. His first thought is to try Mellel, and see how that works out.

If you are a Mac afficionado, please comment on what a good choice would be (any Microsoft Word for Mac suggestions will be purged!!!).

While you are at it, The Perspective would also be interested in Database program recommendations. Maybe something in an .sql language. Thank you.

1 comment:

Canuck said...

Apple makes iwork which is only $79 and includes word possessor, spreadsheet and presentation programs.

Open office (go to from sun microsystems is open source and free. It includes all the tools that office comes with. You can also save docs in MS format for ck1 to read.