Friday, October 5, 2007


After forty-sum years of being onmeown the Kodiak Perspective has been seeing a woman for a few months. Despite his knack for saying the wrong thing and getting her upset, she hasn’t gone running screaming to the hills yet. (Editors note: the stories posted on this subject are fictionalized and are for entertainment purposes only.)

The Girlfriend calls this week and tells the Perspective that she has been to Walyworld and has purchased something he needs. “HE NEEDS”. The Kodiak Perspective has been to Walyworld and there is nothing anyone could possibly “need” to be found there. So she has something that the Perspective has managed to live without for his forty-plus years that he absolutely needs, hmmmm.

When she arrives she shows the Perspective a square plastic bowl approximately 10" square and 6" deep. The Perspective is puzzled, this is the life altering item? “When I saw that you keep your salad in a grocery bag I was aghast, this is for you to store your lettuce.” OK, the Perspective is a guy, and when I cut up some salad, I put it bag in the plastic bag and then shake it up, it is a great way to toss a salad. If he was looking for a salad storage system, maybe one of those centrifuges called a salad spinner would be cool, but a square plastic tub?

The Kodiak Perspective wonders: What next?


Canuck said...

You are a very creative "salad tosser" your girlfriend should appreciate that.

Christie Rowe said...

It makes your lettuce last longer. I know this, but my lettuce is also in a bag. go figure.