Saturday, October 6, 2007


Tiny Haines Alaska (Population @1800) has made the national spotlight this week with a story in the Wall Street Journal. It seems that there is a dispute over the name “Hammer Museum”. A Museum run by UCLA formerly known as the Armand Hammer Museum has shortened its moniker, maybe because people confuse Armand Hammer, art collector with Arm ‘N’ Hammer the company that helps eliminates orders in your refrigerator, and filed a copyright petition for the name. Meanwhile a museum of Hammers in Haines Alaska founded in 2000 by Dave Pahl has also filed a copyright claim.

Not that anyone would confuse the two entities. The dispute seems to be over internet listings with domain names for the museums and where they fall under a google search. The Armand Hammer Museum is part of UCLA and includes that in their web address, but has secured rights to domain names without UCLA in the address that had formerly belonged to the tiny museum of 1500 tools. Armed with 26 lawyers, the UCLA museum is trying to muscle out Dave Pahl, with no lawyers, in this struggle.

Most visitors to Haines are more interested in Eagles than hammers, but the Perspective admires the enterprise of Mr Pahl and his collection. That is not ashamed of its heritage or full name.

The Kodiak Perspective, proud to support Alaska.

1 comment:

Ishmael said...

I have been to the Hammer Museum. The real one in Haines (a town with four museums, by the way), and it's a terrific little place! The Pahls are great people, too. I have a picture of myself holding the world's largest claw hammer -- it's like 43 pounds. More power to him, and to hell with the UCLA Armand Hammer museum.