Monday, July 23, 2007


Tammy Faye Messner, nee Bakker passed away this weekend, she was 65. Cofounder of the PTL (Praise the Lord) network with her husband Jim, Tammy Faye was best known for consulting with Ringling Brothers for makeup advise.

PTL was very popular in the 80's, and the Bakkers built a religious theme park called Heritage USA. The ministry came crashing down as the result of scandals involving fraud and sex. Mr Bakker was sentenced to a 45 year prison term, and Tammy Faye vowed to stand by her man (for three years). After the divorce she remarried Roe Messner, a wealthy contractor and business associate, who was also convicted of bankruptcy fraud.

Tammy Faye was very popular in the gay community and spawned many look alike contests. Embracing her new followers she attended gay pride events.

"I want my funeral to be a real happy time, I want everyone laughing and remembering how crazy I was." Crazy, all the way to the bank.

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