Wednesday, February 27, 2008


The Olympic torch will be carried to the top of Mt Everest. This desolate oxygen starved peak is the highest elevation on the earth. Maintaining the flame is no longer a concern as the Chinese, the people who invented gunpowder, have assured us that they have developed the technology to keep
the flame alit on the summit, where human climbers, even after acclimation periods, still resort to carrying an additional supply of oxygen. Soon there may be campfires on the moon.

Friday, February 15, 2008


A large an enthusiastic crowd turned up on Valentine’s Day to hear a talk on Ocean Acidification at the new Refuge building.

A brief recap of the presentation:

Mad props to Al Gore ‘cause now people come to my talks.

Here is some data that shows carbon is going up in the ocean but it only goes back fifty years, so we don’t have a base line, but we project that the numbers will go crazy.

Here’s another quote from Al.

OK, worst case scenario is that there will be no shellfish, and the ocean will revert to a primordial time of simple life forms that can exist in high carbon environments, as we suspect happened at the dawn of time.

Did I mention that Al won an Academy Award.

In summary, we’ve only been collecting data for a short time, we don’t know much and have no base, but thanks to Al Gore we have an audience, so thanks for driving here tonight to listen to this presentation. Now get in your cars and drive home happy that you are concerned citizens of the planet.

Oh, and rent Al’s movie.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


In a story on health insurers and doctors in the Los Angeles Times, there was this snippet

"We're outraged that they are asking doctors to violate the sacred trust of patients to rat them out for medical information that patients would expect their doctors to handle with the utmost secrecy and confidentiality," said Dr. Richard Frankenstein, president of the California Medical Assn.

He is a Frankenstein and they are all alike. They say they want to help you, but what they really want is to rule the world.” excepted from “Young Frankenstein

Monday, February 11, 2008


Even as we have just had a glorious weekend of snowfall and still bundle ourselves against winter’s chill, Kodiak gardeners are thinking ahead to the planting season. Spring catalogs abound with gardening supplies and seeds.

The Kodiak Perspective wonders that since such a fuss is made of invasive species of plants making inroads here on the island, why gardeners are allowed to order seeds and plants from other areas.

The variety and beauty of the native plants never ceases to thrill the avid hiker. Each time out, different plants are coming into bloom, in a beautiful array of colors and varieties. There are early spring plants, middle spring plants, late spring plants, summer blooms, until the fireweed signals the approach of fall. With so many wonderful varieties of native plants the Kodiak gardener could make quite a display in their yards.

Gardeners, please help to fight invasive plants by planting a Kodiak natural garden. It will surely be a delight to the eyes and keep our island safe from intruders.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


While many in Kodiak were indoors preparing for the big game today, The Kodiak Perspective was out for a walk to the Harborside Coffee House. As he started down Shelikof he noticed a man carrying an XtraTufs box, then another, and yet another, who asked directions to Mickey D’s. By the time The Kodiak Perspective reached Harborside he had seen 6 of these odd fellows with the same parcel.

The Kodiak Perspective reported this unusual sighting to the Barista then sat to enjoy his beverage and his book. The Barista pointed out more of these fellow passing by the window. One even stood outside the door and contemplated entering the establishment, before continuing on his way.

This mysterious occurrence was solved after the gentleman spoke with another customer who was also in need of some caffeine refreshment. All these gentlemen arrived yesterday for the pollock season, and were given the gear by Western Alaska Cannery.

Xtratufs, the official footwear of Kodiak.

Friday, February 1, 2008


A Dutch comic book will be used to teach children in Germany about the holocaust and the Nazi era.

Germany has the fastest growing Jewish population, and has seen a rise in violent anti-Semitic crime. Most of the influx has been from the former Soviet Union.

It seems that the Germans remember the Nazis and the holocaust, and some continue in their treatment of Jews. This comic would better serve Jews in the former Soviet Union who are looking for a place to emigrate.

Germany may not be the best choice for a new home.